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Showing posts from September, 2008

9:01 Moon Over City

Whenever you visit the Memorial your going to see two bronze walls one on the East side and one on the West side that have time on them reading 9:01 and 9:03 the middle, between the walls represent 9:02 which in when the bomb went off.

Blog mission

I did this blog for many reasons and the biggest reason is for me to share with you the experience of having been there through pictures and the stories behind them! Over the years I have collected some beautiful pieces of photography either given to me or some that I have ran across and try to look at these photo’s with a deferent perspective and you may wonder why? When the bombing of the Murrah Building happened it left and it took from every body so, to see the living art of another human being through the pain of another is yet unique and tragic on all the same page and to know your still here and that life does go on is a wonderful thing.
I also had the chance to meet and thank Oklahoma City Assistant Fire Chief Jon Hansen.

Larry Jones of Feed the Children

Here is the story behind this photo, it was taken at a fun raiser anybody who was anybody was there as in this picture I’m with Larry Jones of feed the children. Anyhow I was invited to this event but had nothing to wear to it so a local deli had some costume wear with a bowtie and that is why I look so ridiculous. I did get to meet Larry Jones and personally thank him and his organization for what he had done.

The Regency Party

This photo was taken the night they reopened the Regency Apartment building some months later.

Figure it out

As we stood at the corner of Broadway and 5th we could here an APB go out over the speaker of a parked police car, they said they where looking for a older model Brown or Black truck possibly heading North.

U.S. Department of Justice

Days and months following the blast several groups that represented a variety of Governmental agencies came forward with assistance the paper work was very complex to say the least, some days it would take you all day just to fill out one document or to recover property.

The Tree

When you visit the Memorial you will have the wondering experience of being apart of the survival tree which is located on the North side of the reflecting pond, this tree survived it all from being hit with debris to being on fire.. I’ve heard that they sell seedlings from the tree in the Museum.

Implode 4

Implode 3

Implode 2

The Final Days of the Murrah

More than a month after the bombing at 7:01 am on May 23rd the Murrah Federal Building was demolished, the final three bodies, these of two credit union employees and a customer were recovered I was not present the day of demo.

From the Inside

This photo is very unique for one simple reason! It was taken form inside the Murrah looking north at the Journal Record Building which is now the Memorial Museum! So, if you ever visit the site remember this view as you look North.

Just Before the Blast

Minutes before the blast Tim McVeigh drove the Ryder Truck past my building which is approximately 100 yards from the Murrah. This photo was taken from the video camera located in the lobby of my building. As you can see the Ryder Truck is in the back ground.