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Showing posts from September, 2009

My Rant

My darkest Hours still haunt me but you know what I drive forward as much pain as it takes to look into a mirror and see the scars from a day I wish had never happened and so many lost lives I still drive forward! I live with it every single damn day. The images and faces asking for my help and I could do absolutely nothing? Did I not do enough or to much I don’t know and never will? again I drive on and you know why? You’ll laugh! The Sun and the Moon and Air that’s why! So what, life is a bitch you regroup find yourself and move on. So you bitch and moan oh no things won’t work out were all done! My God get a hold of yourself. Here’s the best salvation for you STOP comparing yourself to the other peoples problems! compare yourself to you! And take it for what it’s worth… But your worst enemy is the person in the mirror and if you can face you, you’ll be ok.

When I visit

I’ve decided that every time I visit the Okc Memorial which I do often I’ll do my normal routine which is leave a penny and fulfill a lifetime promise to so many people I know! I will also randomly pick out someone for a hug and a photo. I think it sounds pretty cool! I got the idea from a previous trip up from Dallas to Oklahoma City with my wife! she has this knack for me to tell my story which for the most part I do when people want to listen! But, this last time a little old lady from Iowa came up and grabbed me by the arm and ask me to walk with her! she was so tiny and sweet! Anyway, as we walked through the memorial she ask me (Do you know what happened here son?) I just smiled and said nothing and for once I listened.